Work on Personal Challenges
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Recognize that we all have personal challenges that hold us back from feeling secure in ourselves and reaching our hopes and dreams. Work to overcome these challenges through practice and by asking for help
Shorthand: Polish a diamond in the rough.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Recognize that we all have personal challenges that hold us back from feeling secure in ourselves and reaching our hopes and dreams. Work to overcome these challenges through practice and by asking for help
Shorthand: Polish a diamond in the rough.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Recognize that we all have personal challenges that hold us back from feeling secure in ourselves and reaching our hopes and dreams. Work to overcome these challenges through practice and by asking for help
Shorthand: Polish a diamond in the rough.