Practice the Platinum Rule
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Do unto others what is good for them. Listen carefully and honor what people tell you when they want or need instead of assuming that we all want the same things.
Shorthand: Treat people the way they want to be treated.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Do unto others what is good for them. Listen carefully and honor what people tell you when they want or need instead of assuming that we all want the same things.
Shorthand: Treat people the way they want to be treated.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Do unto others what is good for them. Listen carefully and honor what people tell you when they want or need instead of assuming that we all want the same things.
Shorthand: Treat people the way they want to be treated.