Support Others
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Openly and purposefully support the positive efforts of other members in the group. To support others might mean, for example, helping a member build on strengths, realize a vision, take a risk, or overcome obstacles.
Shorthand: Lean on me.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Openly and purposefully support the positive efforts of other members in the group. To support others might mean, for example, helping a member build on strengths, realize a vision, take a risk, or overcome obstacles.
Shorthand: Lean on me.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Openly and purposefully support the positive efforts of other members in the group. To support others might mean, for example, helping a member build on strengths, realize a vision, take a risk, or overcome obstacles.
Shorthand: Lean on me.