Seek the Whole Truth
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Maintain a broad vision of "the truth." Recognize that reality is not always what it seems and requires seeing a topic from multiple perspectives to fully understand it. Research completely and deeply; think critically about your sources; then, communicate honestly about what you have learned.
Shorthand: Peel the onion. Be honest.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Maintain a broad vision of "the truth." Recognize that reality is not always what it seems and requires seeing a topic from multiple perspectives to fully understand it. Research completely and deeply; think critically about your sources; then, communicate honestly about what you have learned.
Shorthand: Peel the onion. Be honest.
This set includes 3 lesson plans, activities and guidelines to easily implement in your classroom.
Maintain a broad vision of "the truth." Recognize that reality is not always what it seems and requires seeing a topic from multiple perspectives to fully understand it. Research completely and deeply; think critically about your sources; then, communicate honestly about what you have learned.
Shorthand: Peel the onion. Be honest.